“My job is IT-specialist, but my passion is photography,” John Wilhelm says about himself. His father used to be an amateur photographer and was a member of a few professional associations and that’s how the son became passionate about photography. In 2011, John discovered the magic of Photoshop, and since then, he shows his beloved wife and his 3 daughters in a fairytale world. He calls himself a “photoholic” because he’s ready to spend all his free time on his favorite art.
Bright Side couldn’t resist showing our readers these incredible and inspiring shots.
1. My dad and I
2. Self-feeding mash
3. Pelicandrive
4. Think big, start small.
5. Don’t lick frozen metal bars!
6. Yuna Stark — Queen of Westeros
7. Happy New Year!
8. Just a fakir in Italy
9. Toilet paper harvest
10. Dreaming of the ocean
11. Dinner is served.
12. One baby tooth gone
13. Reconciliation
14. A journey to the center of the pulp
15. Just a tired baby
Which photo did you like the most? Are you a fan of taking elaborate family photos? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!